
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Photo Shoot

I had some company on Saturday after the store closed. Renae (who paints our Christmas windows & shops w/ us...frequently!), her husband, Marc, their daughter, two other photographers (?) and two models came in with lights, equipment, props, clothes, etc and did a photo shoot using good goods as the back drop. How fun! And then bing, bang two hours later...they packed it all up and it was like they were never there!! I got some wide angle shots of the store from Marc (as a thank you!) so decided to share with you!

Model Sydney...gorgeous and sweet gal.

Wide angle can make things look a bit far away...

Interesting that these were taken three days ago and some areas already look different on Tuesday!
Take Care,

1 comment:

The Cottage said...

Right back at your Cheri !! Love your store and THAT cieling, very cool !!

Happy Sales to you too !!
