
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring! Yes!!

It's true. We do get a lot of this:

....but because of it we get this:

Gotta love it!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Thank you for letting us thank you!

Really, it was a fabulous day. We were steady all day long and pooped at the end of it. And happy to have seen all the familiar faces and smiles and silliness!
You all are awesome! I'm still recovering on Sunday but wanted to show why I get to do what I love:

Keegan, our youngest shopper...he was one of the few that left empty handed!

Sisters....of course!

The truth!! Again, thank you everyone.



Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Stuff

Fun new merchandise, just in time for our Customer Appreciation Party this Saturday!! Check out the pictures below to see if there is anything you might be interested in. (New jewelry and topiaries showed up today...too late for my "photo shoot"....)

Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend!

Best, Cheri

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Customer Appreciation Party!!

(Warning....blogger wasn't cooperating w/ me on my spacing........)
This One's for You!

Customer Appreciation Party !

Saturday, April 16

11am to 5pm

Yes, this on is for you. The reason good goods is still open today. You've shared your support, your stories, your smiles (and even some tears) with us. You inspire us to work harder and be better.

So, please let us show our appreciation with a party that is all about you.

We aren't messing around either. Brand new merchandise has been ordered in especially for this day. We'll have snazzy canapes, adult beverages (if you choose), door prizes and everyone making a purchase that day will receive a

$5 token for future use!

We will also be rolling our our new "loyalty" program.

(We promise it's not a lame one..!)

It would mean the world to us if you came by to enjoy some fun

and a pat on the back.

You are the absolute best.


Thursday, April 7, 2011

This & that...........

A few shots of this & that!

Goodness knows, I sure do.....................

Very cool new signs

Thanks for looking!




I'm daydreaming about bungalows recently. My circa 1993 home just seems too big, too uncharming (yes, it's a word), too--well, not something I daydream about!!

Now this, this is cute. Character. Yellow!

You could buy the plans and all the materials you needed from the Sears Roebuck catalog. (wow! Sears was stealing local buyers at the turn of the century like online sales is doing today! The more things change the more....etc!)

Add labor and live in a row of darling, I want one, bungalows!!

It could be pretty....yellow!

Or sorta plain. It didn't matter. You'd get a steep pitched roof, one (maybe one and one half) floors, a veranda, two bedrooms, bath and a living room.

Unless you opted to buy the bigger model.........which defeats part of my purpose!

I mean, how could anyone not love these???

Here's mine. Should I repaint it? Yellow??

The really original bungalows were found in India and tropical regions. They had thatched roofs and were for poorer folks to keep out of the elements. I could be talked in to staying in one here:

Or maybe the over water ones in Bali.......
Hmmmmm. What do you think??!
