
Friday, June 4, 2010

Dream Houses!

Like everyone, I dream of getting away from "civilization" and living this charmed, simple life. Of course, this would also involve becoming a trust fund baby or something of the sort... but I do save inspiration photos and thought, on this rainy day, I'd share some with all of you!!

I believe this truly hobbit home is in Wales and was built by folks with no construction skills, simple tools and daring!! You can click on the first picture for more information on this one.


Now this next one really was constructed for someone (with more money than any one person should be allowed to have) to house his "extensive Tolkien collection".

This one I found on a blog that I have long since forgotten. I do think I remember that this one is somewhere in Oregon!!

Now we get into charming, ?English? looking homes that were just "cozy up in" kind of places.

Add an adult size tree house in back and I could be set!

You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one!!!!

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