
Thursday, May 28, 2009

About Kiva

I've recently come across an amazing site called "Kiva" that I wanted to tell you all about.

Kiva is a non profit organization that accepts "micro-loans" and distributes this money to help the working poor throughout the world. And I mean "micro"!! The most you can loan any one person is $25 and you choose the person.
These are business loans for amazingly poor entrepenuers to expand their ventures. The loans are repaid, and when you get your money back you can cash out or lend to another business person. I encourage you to go here to get the information for yourself and see the photographs of these fasinating people that are bucking the odds in extremely poor conditions.
I like the idea of fighting poverty by giving people a way out rather than just a hand out.

Plus, it's humbling. I've been lamenting my old stove again...... Judas Priest............

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